DECEMBER 15, 2015

"Ancient Reflections on the Nautre of Colour", prof. Michela Sassi (University of Pisa), co-organized with the Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb. Institute of Philosophy, Vth floor, Velika dvorana, 4 pm. Refreshments will be served following the lecture.


About Michela Sassi

Michela Sassi studied Classics at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, and is currently Professor at Pisa University, where she teaches History of Ancient Philosophy. Her publications, ranging from early and classical Greek philosophy and science to anthropology, from history to methodology of classical studies, include such books as The Science of Man in Ancient Greece  (Chicago Univ. Press, 2001); Gli inizi della filosofia: in Grecia (Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2009); Indagine su Socrate. Persona filosofo cittadino Grecia (Einaudi, Torino, 2015) and a number of essays both in Italian and international journals. She has been pursuing research for years for a book which is going to comprehend the most various aspects (linguistic, psychological, aesthetical, and symbolic) of the topic of colors in ancient Greece.

NOVEMBER 20, 2015

"Conversations with Socrates - Waiting for Socrates", with Jure Zovko, a dramatic improvisation based on Beckett's Waiting for Godot marks the launch of a new series in the Plato Society Lecture & Colloquia Series. Join the conversation! Refreshments will be served.


JUNE 2, 2015

The Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb and the Plato Society of Zagreb invites you to a lecture:

"The Origins of Platonist Dogmatism"

The lecture will be held by  Prof. John M. Dillon (Trinity College, Dublin) on the occasion of the awarding of his Honorary Lifetime Membership in the Plato Society of Zagreb. The lecture will take place at 7 pm on June 2nd in the Velika Dvorana at the Institure of Philosophy Zagreb.

About the lecturer:

Prof. John M. Dillon studied Classics at Oxford, and subsequently completed a Ph. D., at the University of California, Berkeley, joining the faculty there in 1969. In 1980, he took up the Regius Chair of Greek at Trinity College, and remained in that post until his retirement in 2006. He is the founder and Director Emeritus of the Plato Centre.

For further information please contact us by e-mail: or by phone at: 098 985 2552

MAY 16, 2015

The Plato Society Zagreb in cooperation with OS Žakanje/Kamanje invites you to the seminar:

"Philosophy with Children-a place for leisure and mindfullness in schools"

About the seminar: 

Mindfullness involves training our attention to be"in the present" with whatever is happening, rather than worrying what has happened, or what might happen.  

What are the benefits of mindfulness training?

Whilst for some lessons in mindfullness are appreciated simply as an exercise to help relax and calm, for many the benefits extend well beyond this, helping pupils cope with exam stress, get to sleep, manage anger, deal with difficult relationships, improve their performance in sports and simply handle the increasingly stressful pace and pressure of adolescence.

Leisure and mindfullness

The inclusion of leisure education in child care programs, school curricula, afterschool programs, and partnership with community recreation agencies is influenced by student and parent interest and by social lifestyle changes. Infusing leisure education concepts into the school environment and school-sponsored activities provides some youth with their first taste of lifelong healthy leisure experiences. The goal of leisure education is to enable individuals to enhance the quality of their lives through leisure.

The course directors

Renate Kroschel (Stohrenschule/ Margarete-Ruckmich-Akademie, Freiburg, Germany) and Marie-Elise Zovko (Institute for Philosophy, Zagreb) are joint directors of "Project Stohrenschule", an international project on philosophizing with children, youths and adults (philosophizing in life contexts) founded in 2006, which has been the recipient of a number of grants for its works in Croatian schools. The seminar forms part of the project "Humanity and Democracy: Philosophizing as a method of educating youth in human rights and responsible citizenship" funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport under the program NGO's in Extracurricular Education, 2014-2015

For further information and to register for the seminar, please contact the Plato Society by e-mail: or by phone at: 098 985 2552More information on past events coming soon.